Sunday, April 13, 2008

Case of the Missing Coach

Review for Case of the Missing Coach

Author: V. Gilbert Zabel
Pages: 143
Genre: Young Adult
Publisher: 4RV Publishing LLC, 2007
ISBN: 978-0-9797513-1-8
Review by: SG Cardin

The Jonesville Chargers are a youth baseball team from Oklahoma. As the story opens, they are competing in the regional tournament. As they start to win at the regional tournament for the National Championship, they receive threatening notes and messages.

When the Chargers reach the national tournament, the threats come true when their head coach is kidnapped. The team bonds together to try to find the missing coach and continue their winning ways, if possible.

The plot moves fast, and all the characters are likable. The author includes a list of
coaches and players in the beginning which I thought was very helpful, as when I became confused at times, I was able to flip to the list to sort out who the characters
were. The author uses black and white pictures of boys playing baseball to frame the
chapters which was appealing. Her enthusiasm for the sport and for young adult writing
shines through.

~ SG Cardin

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